The Rest of the Story
As my wife and I await the chance to be first time parents through the adoption process, I'm watching people parent. Strangers observed in that role for a few minutes by someone not yet on Team Parent usually look like virtuosos. I'll scribble down something they did well, apparently effortlessly, and pledge to do the same. Real life afforded a different kind of opportunity to this amateur sociologist recently. Longitudinal study proved more instructive than flashes of sentimentalized, and maybe jealous, insight. I got to see the same "subjects" twice in a month's time as they navigated parenting and emerging adolescence. The catalyst in these encounters is 14, and brilliant. She absorbs the patterns of life through voracious reading and, perhaps, measures real experience against a tightly edited narrative. Dissonance ensues. Dissonance produces anxiety. This anxiety could produce a wild variety of responses in those around and responsible for her. Twice I've...