The Riches of a Learning Life
This week I read William Manchester's Controversy and Other Essays in Journalism 1950-1975 . It is hampered by a ponderous title and his need to unload publicly an otherwise understandable literary grudge against Jacqueline Kennedy. Still, his dealings with those of superior stuff and status do yield some insight for the rest of us. "Rich families," he diagnosis evenhandedly after intimate involvement with the Kennedys and others, "are not happier, but they have a clear concept of the source of happiness and unhappiness. Unlike the rest of us, they cannot blame whatever disarray there is in their personal lives on the lack of ways and means." The outsized power Manchester sees given to blame and resentment, even as he yields to some of it himself, is worth considering as we come up for air. Such embittering or defensive forces are even at work in the privileged environs of the idealized Oval Office on The West Wing . With enough wealth that the President is sur...