Psalm 116:15 – Death in Perspective
The cartoonists had full rein this week at the New Yorker magazine. One of the efforts they featured had a priest in full vestments and a formal funeral setting, but offering the bit of hospitality, "Today‘s service will be using the hashtag “Jerry‘sDead.“ If we were entirely comfortable with that, there would be no need for the ink and the effort. If it were entirely farcical, it wouldn't have gotten anyone's attention as a favorite cartoon. This is a still shot of our culture with some bite because everything, even the death of a loved one has become fodder for social media. It's not enough to attend to signs of respect. We need to be SEEN doing so by a wider audience than is in our immediate physical surroundings. Most of the time, our experience with death is so peripheral that we only think about it well enough to avoid scandal with token gestures. CS Lewis warns in The Screwtape Letters that the removal of death from our everyday experience is much to the de...