The Head in Motion
Commit thy works unto Jehovah, and thy thoughts will be established. Proverbs 16:3, The Darby Translation William Manchester was a friend of President Kennedy, so it isn't surprising that he would write sympathetically of the man and the job in The Death of a President . His writ reaches beyond the Oval Office, though, when he notes that presidents rarely move from A to B and that multiple hats do not rest easily on a head so often in motion. That, and the graphic work picture from Pastor Matthew Sink that the word distraction comes from a French torture involving being pulled apart by horses bring me to take quick recourse in Proverbs 16:3. We aren't sure precisely what will pull at us today, what happens we will try to keep a top our heads. Yet, we know there is integrity and wholeness in that first that may not be immediately apparent in every moment of every day. We can't envision every turn the day will take. We can't list every complication that could happen under...