Jeremiah 14:10 – Autopsy of Iniquity
10 Thus says the Lord to this people: “Thus they have loved to wander; They have not restrained their feet. Therefore the Lord does not accept them; He will remember their iniquity now, And punish their sins.” Jeremiah 14:10, New King James Version "The imagination," diagnoses Richard Foster in Celebration of Discipline , "like all our faculties, has participated in the fall." The twofold indictment God drops in Jeremiah 14:10 concurs. It convicts His people, then and now, of wayward love which does not esteem Him as it should and instead covets and savors other things in the mind, the affection, and, yes, the imagination. The corruption of the imagination, though, has a downstream consequence to which Jeremiah 14:10 also speaks. We react to the confrontation in that verse, and, for instance, in the teachings of Jesus on adultery that we have already sinned in our minds and our hearts, and, perversely, we let that same infected imagination have a primary place in de...