Buying Belonging?
The Berkeley hangout is exactly the kind of place Steven Johnson had in mind in Where Good Ideas Come From . Ideas percolate across disciplines and permeate the many distinctives that otherwise divide University of California students. More often than to the stereotypical solitary genius, this interdisciplinary intermixing of ideas, Johnson says, is where inspiration strikes. Yet, at least one undergrad who might particularly benefit can't let herself be drawn in. She has seen her mother count out the five $20 bills that make up the family income on a week in her father's gardening business that has been dampened by the weather. "Five dollars a day for coffee?! I can't afford that." Students who could afford that coffee habit may think little or nothing of utilizing the café's less visible advantages of free Wi-Fi and networking without indulging, but the interview subject in question has a more fragile sense of belonging. She may wonder if every glance in h...