Both Sunny and Soldierly

"Who is she who looks forth as the morning, fair as the moon, clear as the sun, awesome as an army with banners?" Song of Solomon 6:10

Spurgeon finds in Morning and Evening, "To a great extent in spiritual things we get what we expect of the Lord. Faith alone can bring us to see Jesus."

Likewise, Song of Solomon 6:10 finds much of our grounding in our perspective. One of the virtues that the male bridegroom finds in his betrothed is that she looks forth as the morning, that she radiates a deeply rooted optimism. As he continues to expound on the impact of this outlook as it works its way outward into her person, he arrives in an interesting result. She is, he says, as awesome as an army with banners.

We split, I find, this duality of the righteousness of Christ and rob ourselves in the process. There are, we bifurcate, those who give off sunny optimism, who have experienced nothing but good from a fallen world and who expect nothing but good in the future. Then, we divide, there are those who expect spiritual warfare, those who are guarded and girded for the fight that the day is likely to bring.

The Lord's work and His Word, it seems, would save us from the either/or. We are most prepared for battle, it seems, when we are happiest in Christ. The joy of the Lord, after all, is our STRENGTH. Likewise, we are happiest in Him not when our denial hermetically sealed off life's hardships but rather when we are fully aware of them, and because of that awareness, are all the more convinced that Christ has won the ultimate victory and will demonstrate that in some of the particulars of our lives today.


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